Oracle SQL for Data Analytics - Innozant MIS & Data Analytics & Data Science

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In the era of growing data, managing data through databases is a big task. DBMS and RDBMS are two terms which are frequently used in Data Analytics.

SQL has become a demanded skill that will get you hired – SQL for Business Analysis, Marketing, and Database Management.

No prior technical experience is required! This course teaches SQL from the very basics.

SQL is Structured Query Language, SQL language was first developed by Oracle to communicate with database for storing, manipulating and retrieving data stored in databases.

Various databases are used nowadays like Oracle SQL, MySQL Database,  Ms SQL server, Postgre SQL, Sybase, etc. SQL syntaxes used in these databases are almost similar, except the fact that some are using few different syntaxes and even proprietary SQL syntaxes.

What you will learn:

  • Become an expert in SQL & Learn how to code in SQL
  • Create, design, and operate with SQL databases
  • Study relational database management theory that you will need in your workplace every day
  • The ability to take control of your dataset – insert, update, and delete records from your database
  • Handle complex SQL joins with ease
  • Approach more advanced topics in programming like SQL’s triggers, sequences, local and global variables, indexes, and more
  • Become a proficient SQL user by writing flawless and efficient queries

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Topics for this course

68 Lessons24h 59m 59s

Introduction To SQL

Introduction Database00:00:00
Understanding DBMS vs RDBMS00:00:00
Gone through SQL Standards00:00:00
Sub languages of SQL00:00:00
Difference between 10g vs 11g vs 12c00:00:00
Installation of 12c00:00:00
About SQL*Plus and use of developer tool00:00:00
Datatypes in Oracle00:00:00
Operators in Oracle00:00:00
Understanding Schema design and objects00:00:00

Data Retrieval Techniques

Working With DDL Commands

Working With DML Commands

Integrity Constraints

Built In Functions

Data Aggregation

Importance Of JOIN

Set Operators And Pseudo Columns:

Sub Queries

Database Transaction And Security

Design Of Schema Objects

  • Course level: Expert
  • Duration 24h 59m 59s