Data Analytics + ML Using Python
Launching on 1st June 2023
Welcome to the online course on Advanced Data Analytics + Machine Learning using Python.
Data analysts exist at the intersection of information technology, statistics and business. They combine these fields in order to help businesses and organizations succeed.
The primary goal of a data analyst is to increase efficiency and improve performance by discovering patterns in data.
In this course, you will get advanced knowledge on Data Analytics.
This course begins with providing you the complete knowledge on Python programming language.
You will learn all the concepts of python programming from basics to advanced level.
Life time accessibility
30 hrs + pre-recorded video lectures
Topics covered in sequential manner in full depth.
Assignments and other resources.
Doubt sessions: Once or twice a month
Certificate on completion
This course will cover the following topics:-
Along with python programming, this course will cover other data analytics concepts such as
Who this course is for:-
What you’ll learn:-